Rae Ryan
% 1 min read

Hey - What's my deal

You might be wondering who is this weirdo?

So a little about me. Hi, my name is Rae, yes that’s a pen name. I grew up in the wilds of Missouri just outside St. Louis County. When I was young, I read fantasy voraciously, then I went to high school and did the things some high schoolers do and partied a lot. Then I moved to Colorado for college, because being a queer kid in Missouri isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, as Chappell Roan can attest. I got a degree in geography and ran a small business selling satellite imagery (weird, right?). I picked up reading again and leaned into science fiction. I love space operas with a dash of humor and chosen families, like all good queer readers. Suddenly my book budget went way up.

Then one day I read an awful book by a famous author and thought: I can do better than this. And so my journey began. I learned that writing is only a tiny percentage of the battle. Being a mediocre white man can get you a long way, but also there’s far too much luck involved in traditional publishing. After writing three books, I decided to go indie. I wanted creative control and my disillusionment with the industry had solidified into dilithium crystals.

And here we are. This is the short-short version of my origin story with all the boring parts cut out. Today I still live in Colorado with my husband and dog. I have way too many hobbies and I’m filled with incandescent rage about the state of the world. So I write books with happy endings featuring queer people, BIPOC, people with disabilities, and fat people who are making their way in the world on their own terms. I love found families, platonic love, slow burns, and queer joy. I hope you like these things too!
